Agricultural Fan Motors - Belt Drive Totally Enclosed

High Efficiency "Legacy" heavy duty design

Torq® centrifugal and stationary switches

Upgraded gasketing Class F insulation

Farm Duty Motors

High torque for demanding agricultural / industrial applications Upgraded gasketing

Manual thermal protector (spec. low temp.)

High quality bearings lubricated for life

3 Phase Motors - TEFC - 56C With Feet

This series of motor shape conforms to NEMA standard, steel shell,

frequency 60Hz, class F insulation, Class B temperature rise, and UL/CSA certified

Electric effciency above 1HP (including) is inline with NEMA PREMIUM

Utra-High Efficiency, obtained by DOE

ODP Motors

High Efficiency , ODP Enclosure

115/230V rated for single & 230/460V,575V for three phase CCW Class F Insulation

Jet Pump Motors NEMA 56Cface mounting flange Class F winding 115/230V rated for single & 230/460V for three phase CCW facing lead end Threaded shafts made of 303 SST

Jet Pump Motors STainless Steel Frame NEMA 56C face mounting Range Class F 115/230V rated for single & 230/460V /575V for three phase

CCW facing lead end ,threaded shafts made of 303 SST

Stainless Steel Motors Single Phase

Washdown Duty - 56 & 145T

Waterproof seals on shaft extensions Drain holes (4) in endbells to facilitate draining in any mounting position

T-drain (1) comes installed in non- shaft endbell at base position - can be relocated

2nd T-drain for shaft end provided for customer installation at proper drainage point

PSC Ventilation Direct Drive Blower Motors Designed to meet manufacturer’s requirements for drive ventilation units Capacitor Included And Mounted On PSC Models Automatic Reset Thermal Overload Protector Continuous Duty, Air Over Ball Bearings Unless Noted